Living & Working with Our Environment
Goodale Construction obtained a permit from NHESP to manage the priority habitats that are mapped on Goodale properties. Part of this program requires the transplanting of the Oak woodlands to the plant site embankments after mining in the area has completed. This not only preserves the habitat but also prevents errosion. The results are a great success.
Goodale Construction maintains a long standing relationship with Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary, now a program of the Massachusetts Audubon Society. Elizabeth Goodale was a part of Felix Neck from its beginning first as treasurer and later as president. White Brothers dug and donated Elizabeth Pond in her honor. Elizabeth was an avid bird watcher in her own right, spending many years helping with the annual bird counts and helping to save the Ospreys. Elizabeth's participation was fundemental to Felix Neck evolving into what it is today.
In addition family history with Felix Neck, Goodale Construction continues helping today. Two examples are donating the foundation and floor for the new barn and providing the annual maintenance to the long Felix Neck access road.
Osprey Nests
It's only too fitting that more than one pair of Ospreys would choose the Goodale pit for nesting. Elizabeth Goodale along with Gus Bendavid, Jackie Renear, Edie and Arnold Brown drove the campaign to stop the spraying of DDT on the Vineyard in order to save the Ospreys.
A message from Gus Bendavid, an Island environmental treasure, regarding his history with Bob and Elizabeth Goodale.