Concrete Castings
Goodale Construction manufactures many standard concrete products from septic tanks to fence posts.
2000 Gal Tanks H10 and H20
Concrete columns
4' column 600 lbs
6' column 820 lbs
1,500 Gal Tanks
- Standard inlet 57" outlet 54.5" to center 10,900 lbs
- H20 inlet 59" outlet 56.5" to center 18,960 lbs
- Fast system 0.5, 0.75, 0.9 inlet 58.5" 12,200 - 13,500 lbs
- Nitroe tanks A, B, C, D inlet 58.5" 13,500 lbs (w/ cover not including aggregate)
2,000 Gal Tanks
- H10 dimensions 152" (L) x 76" (w) x 72.2" (h) Inlet height 58" outlet 55" to center
- H20 dimensions 158" (L) x 82" (w) x 75.2" (h) Inlet height 58" outlet 55" to center
H20 tank weight (with sling) 25,680 lbs cover weight ~8000 lbs
- Nitroe tanks available
1,000 Gal Tanks
- Standard 3 inlets 58" to center
- Outlets (3) 54 1/2" to center
8,000 lbs
Leaching Pits and Drywells
- 6' dia x 4' pit 2,260 lbs
- 6' dia x 2.5' pit 1,460 lbs
- 18" dia x 2' drywell 350 lbs
6.5' Covers 18" Center Hole
H10 and H20 2,140 lbs
Transformer Pads and Pull boxes
- Eversource M1216 Pull Box H20 8,880 lbs (5'x5' interior)
- Eversource M1208 Pull Box H20 6,400 lbs
- 4' Transformer pad and pull box H10 2,280 lbs
- 3' Transformer pad and pull box H10 2,440 lbs
- 3' Splice box
- Eversource M3801.1 and M3801.2 transformer pads
Tank Risers
- 18" ID x 6" , 1' , 2' tall (1ft ~=162 lbs)
- 21" ID x 6" , 1' tall (1 ft ~=182 lbs)
- 25" ID x 1' tall
- Ring block half 18" dia 6" tall 46 lbs
- H20 24" ID x 1' tall
Distribution Boxes and Risers & Covers
- 8 hole (1 inlet 7 outlet) 360 lbs
8 hole d-box riser 1' 220 lbs
- 6 hole (1 inlet 5 outlet) 248 lbs
6 hole d-box riser 1' 145 lbs
Bumper Logs
6' x 8" 360 lbs
Fence Posts and Guard Posts
- Three (3) Hole & Two (2) Hole
- 6' x 6" x 3" 159 lbs ea
- Highway guard post 6' 201 lbs
Retaining Wall Blocks
- 2' block 1,185 lbs
- 3' block 1,778 lbs
- 4' block 2,370 lbs
- 6' block 3,556 lbs
- 6' x 1' block
Splash Pads
36" x 11" x 3.5" 64 lbs
Round Covers
- 18" dia
- 22" dia
- 24" dia 120 lbs
- 30" dia 240 lbs
- 3' dia
- 4' dia
Survey Bounds
5" x 5" x 30" 60 lbs
Gas Pads
- Large 500 gal 1,007 lbs
- Large 1000 gal 2,180 lbs
- 2-1/2 ft Gas Pad Cover Round 168 lbsroun
500 gal pad
1000 gal pad
Mooring Blocks
- 2,000 lbs (Low Profile)- 4,000 lbs- 6,000 lbs
Thrust Blocks
- 2,000 lbs
- 850 lbs
7 5/8" x 7 5/8"
Order to length at 8" increments ~37 lbs/8"
Window Wells 182 lbs
Boat Ramps and Planks
3' x 12' x 6" 2,650 lbs
Please Note: All weights are approximate and may vary. All dimensions are nominal